Mention the average American staple diet, andhotdog reaches the superlative v. I love them then much that for once a week, I ever visit Cook Out for their amazing hot dogs. The reason why I love them is considering they are delicious, versatile, and fast to add flavor or richness to a dish. Hotdogs can be eaten direct from the stove, on a bun, or cut into pieces and added to other recipes. Information technology's why you'll find them in pasta,salads, potato dishes,casseroles, and tons of different menus.

How to Cook Hotdogs on the Stove

Hotdogs tin be prepared using various methods, but cooking them on the stove tends to be the well-nigh preferred. But not many tin use this technique. For this reason, y'all'll detect here tips on how all-time to cook hotdogs of any kind on the stove. You lot'll besides detect a handy recipe guide to aid you prepare your favorite pastime snack every time.

Why Cook Hotdogs on the Stove?

Hotdogs can be grilled on a rack or roasted in the oven. And in cases of extreme emergency, you lot tin even set up them in a microwave. Just the stovetop style remains the near loved, and this is for several reasons;

It's Faster: Believe it or not, cooking hotdogs on an iron skillet or pan takes very footling fourth dimension. All yous need is to have the pan heated, and you can terminate preparing your hotdogs in under three minutes!

It's More than Convenient: You won't need to pre-estrus an oven or grill or measure a specific unwavering amount of h2o. With only a tiny corporeality, your hotdogs would come out just as crispy and delicious as you lot want and with zero hassle.

It's Flexible: You can use water or oil to cook your hotdogs on the stove. You can also include other ingredients to the mix- fresh pepper, green onions, or even mushrooms. And you tin can stir the added ingredients to perfection without having to open up and close a door or hat constantly.

Hot Dog Nutrition Facts

Hot Dog Nutrition Facts

Stovetop Hot Dogs Cooking Tips

While information technology's a cakewalk to gear up your favorite hotdog recipes on the stove, you even so need a few suggestions to run smoothly.

Choosing Hot Dogs

You don't have to be specific almost what kind of hotdogs to cook on the stove. This pick boils down to you lot or what season you seek. Information technology could exist beef franks, chicken franks, or regular hotdogs. But you exercise want to keep them at roughly equal sizes, so they cook simultaneously. Too, make sure they're uncured and cased in natural skin.

Cooking Hot Dogs

In that location are various ways to cook hotdogs on the stove. You can eddy them in water, dark-brown them with a dash of water, or fry them in butter or oil. Many people prefer to submerge hotdogs in water and boil them, merely frying or browning them gives the tastiest results.

To cook hotdogs by browning, add a little water to a frying pan or iron skillet to about half an inch. Oestrus the pan at medium-loftier till the water begins to boil off. Add your hotdogs- a few at a time- and curl them until they're brown on all sides. Information technology takes from three to five minutes for this process to consummate.

For oil or butter-frying, make shallow cuts on your hotdogs; these ensure they don't burst as you fry them. Add two or 3 tablespoons of butter or oil to a pan at medium-loftier heat. Make sure the oil or butter is enough to cover one-half the hotdog. Fry the hotdogs until the side-facing down is browned, so turn with a fork or tong and echo the process. The cooking should take you near 5 minutes. Once they're ready, transfer the hotdogs to a plate lined with newspaper napkins to drain them. Y'all can too use the oil or butter left in the pan to melt your vegetables.

Since yous've now known how convenient it is to cook hotdogs on the stove, why non requite this recipe a shot;


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  • Iii hotdogs, uncured
  • One tablespoon butter, unsalted
  • Water
  • Iii hotdog buns

  1. Add some water to a skillet at medium heat, just enough to comprehend the base. Once the water starts to boil off, gently identify the hotdogs in the skillet and leave them to cook until the water disappears. Roll them around then all sides brown and cook evenly.
  2. Add the butter and let it melt, and then cook the hotdogs in it till it browns even more. Transfer the hotdogs to a plate and toast the bun in the remaining juice. Serve the hotdogs in the buns with your favorite toppings.

For more directions, cheque out this stovetop hotdog video recipe.