Perfect Steak Tartare

S teak Tartare is a truthful culinary archetype and a dining feel like no other. It is a melt-in-your-mouth delicacy fabricated from the choicest high quality beefsteaks - freshly chopped or minced, highly seasoned and enjoyed raw. The texture and mouthfeel is beyond buttery and the delicate flavor of the beefiness exquisite, with a balance of savory and spicy notes all smoothed perfectly with the velvet creaminess of freshly hand-made mayonnaise.

Steak Tartare - Everyday Food –

Sit Dorsum and Savor
There are ii traditional methods of service; one is prepared in the kitchen on the 'common cold side' by the garde-mange and the other tableside past waiter or helm. When brought to the tabular array already prepared it is often crowned with a beautiful golden egg yolk - nestled on the half shell so to speak, accompanied by a few certain ingredients similar capers, chopped onions and parsley, and a spicy Dijon mustard assuasive you lot to further mix to your own preference.

Classic tableside service, on the other hand, is truly remarkable to witness. It all takes place on a well-supplied cart and begins with the ceremonious smashing of an egg – the yolk deftly separated and joined by a quick procession of ingredients, all the while worked vigorously with a fork until becoming an aromatic mayonnaise the consistency of fresh foam.

Lastly, freshly chopped steak that has been keeping in a basin on ice is added to the mix. It is worked in quick and gently, just enough that all ingredients are evenly combined, and the mix still very loose. It is plated, shaped lightly into a slightly mounded patty, just garnished and served. The whole procedure literally takes a matter of minutes although the anticipation may go far seem much longer.

In either service, equally an entrée, steak tartare is generally served with a basket of warm, freshly baked baguette, assorted condiments and sometimes French-fried potatoes.

Offset with the Best
While always a pleasure at your favorite French eatery, this dish can be prepared and enjoyed at abode anytime. As the name implies, y'all make this tartare from steak, and the recommended cuts vary co-ordinate to recipe, ranging from filet mignon to tenderloin to sirloin.

No affair the cutting, this is not a dish relegated to meat found languishing under plastic in a cream tray. Quite the contrary, the ultimate key to a successful steak tartare is to always beginning with the freshest and best quality pasture-fed beef. Cattle raised without antibiotics or hormones and allowed to graze freely yield the about naturally tender and juicy beef.

Any one of our superior steaks will make for an equally superior tartare. For an over-the-top experience, try one of our prized Kobe-way Waygu filet mignon steaks. With its unsurpassed gustation, buttery texture and extravagant marbling, it makes for the foie gras of tartares.

Quick Tips

  • Fresh is as Fresh Does – Do not stop at getting the best and the freshest grass-fed beef – plan to use information technology the very same day you get it.
  • Mise en Place - Because you desire to serve and eat steak tartare immediately following grooming, be certain y'all take everything besides the beef ahead of time. This will allow you to organize and gear up everything in the virtually efficient manner.
  • The Sharpest Knife in the Drawer - The sharper the pocketknife the easier the task. Hand chopping is the accurate and best training. It tin can seem like a lot of work, but perseverance will yield a far superior texture.
  • Just Chill - If you lot chill the meat for at least an hour or two before cut and chopping, it will be a much easier chore. If you notice you are a piffling slow with the knife work, prepare smaller portions at a time; keeping all but the meat, you are currently chopping in the refrigerator or thoroughly chilled on water ice.
  • The Existent Deal – Use true French Dijon mustard, it is more flavorful and spicier than its domestic counterpart is.
  • The Incredible Edible egg – If you are concerned nearly eating or serving raw eggs there are now pasteurized in-shell eggs available.