what do i need to keep in my employee files

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  3. What should be in an employee file?

An employee file, or personnel record, is a group of documents that contain all relevant information about an employee'due south time in your business, from their job awarding to their resignation alphabetic character.

You may be confused about what should exist in an employee file or wondering how long you should go on the information for. In this guide nosotros've created an employee files checklist to help you gather all the right documents and reply whatsoever common questions you lot may have.

Why you need employee files

Having all of import information about an employee stored in one place means it'southward easy to find any relevant details nigh their office and responsibilities.

It also ways you can produce any necessary records in the event of an employee making a claim against yous. This is why it's of import to keep an employee's personnel file upward-to-engagement and regularly review all files to ensure all relevant documents are there.

This will help to protect you in the example of a merits confronting you lot, as the employee file will serve as a record of what back up and treatment the individual received within the business.

What to keep in employee files

Employee file contents volition vary from person to person, merely we think there are a few primal aspects that should be included.

The things to include in an employee's personnel file are:

  • Job application, CV and cover letter
  • Educational activity and past employment info
  • Office clarification
  • Job offer letter and employment contract
  • Emergency contact information
  • Training records
  • Payroll and benefits information (simply not banking company details)
  • Performance appraisement forms
  • Disciplinary action reports
  • Employee resignation letter of the alphabet
  • Exit interview documentation
  • Any other documentation related to employment

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What shouldn't be in employee files?

Any data that is not relevant to the employee'south function, for case their ethnicity or details most a disability, should not be included in their personnel file.

Steer clear from including any observations or opinions about the employee in their file: the information should exist limited to merely facts.

Who has the right to see your personnel records?

Due to employee files containing private information, such every bit abode address or details of whatsoever disciplinary action, you should ensure they are protected, and access limited. Merely the employee themselves, their direct manager and HR staff should be able to view their files.

How long to continue employee files

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into outcome in May 2018 and laid out strict rules surrounding employers' responsibility to protect their employees' data.

Don't presume that y'all tin get rid of all an employee's information when they leave your concern. You may be legally required to go along hold of some data, for example payroll details, and information technology's best practise to keep other data in example a past employee makes a claim confronting you. If you've deleted records of appraisals, disciplinary action or benefits, yous won't be able to present evidence that you followed employment laws.

For unsuccessful chore candidates, it's a good idea to go on their information for at least 6 months after they apply. For past employees, the full general rules are:

  • Working Time (details of when the employee worked for you) – 2 years
  • Payroll and details about any motherhood and paternity leave taken – iii years
  • P45/P60, personnel files and training records – 6 years

Under the GDPR, employees accept a right to be told:

  • what information you lot take nigh them and how you use it
  • the confidentiality of the records
  • how these records tin aid with their preparation and development at piece of work

If an employee requests a copy of the data you have about them, y'all'll have 30 days to provide information technology.

Where to keep employee files

The days of keeping employee documents in a locked, fire-proof cabinet are fast becoming history for many businesses. By far the safest, most reliable method of keeping employee personnel files in ane place is storing them inside HR software.

With HR software, you'll be able to go along important documents secure and limit the people who can access them. Employees will exist able to edit their personal details when they need to be updated, freeing up admin time for yourself.

Since the software is housed in the cloud, it will exist accessible from anywhere. This will exist useful equally more and more workers are starting to work remotely, or have flexible working patterns which let them to piece of work from domicile some days a week.

Employees will be able to get answers to any queries they have about their part or responsibilities by viewing their employment contract and task description on the software. This volition reduce the amount of time you use up by answering mutual questions from employees, leaving you free to focus on your concern.

Our Hr software allows you to keep all employee files in your own secure online database, giving you peace of mind.

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READ More:

  • What is an consecration?
  • five 60 minutes basics for small business
  • What is an employee handbook?

The content of this blog is for general information only. Please don't rely on it as legal or other professional person advice every bit that is not what we intend. You lot tin notice more than detail on this in our Terms of Website Use. If you lot require professional communication, please get in affect.

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Source: https://citrushr.com/blog/hr-management/what-should-be-in-employee-file/

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